贝赫教育学院 研究生 Student Research and Professional Development Fund


The 贝赫教育学院 has established a 研究生 Student Research and Professional Development Fund to support and encourage student research and professional activity under the guidance of sponsoring BCOE faculty advisors. BCOE graduate students in degree programs are invited to apply for funding to assist with research activities/supplies or dissemination of research through such activities as presenting at a professional conference related to a student’s enrolled program.


The priority deadline for applications is noon September 30th for Fall/Spring grants and noon February 1st for Spring/Summer grants—or the first business day thereafter.


Any currently enrolled graduate student in the 贝赫教育学院 who is working toward a graduate degree may apply. Full-time faculty and staff who are simultaneously enrolled in a graduate program may not apply. 学生每学期只能提交一次申请. 学生每年只能获得一个奖项(e.g.(2023年秋季入学,2024年秋季再次入学). All proposed 旅行 must occur during the approved time frame.


Student should submit the following materials electronically as single Adobe PDF file with the materials organized clearly in the order laid out below. 注意:超过页面限制的应用程序, 缺少需求信息, 或者出了问题很可能会被拒绝.

1. A brief 2-5 page proposal to the 贝赫教育学院 that includes

       a. Student Name, Program, 校园 Address (including email and phone number), Start Term (e.g., Fall23, SPR24, SUM2024)和大学ID号.

       b. 教师赞助商. The faculty sponsor must be a regular member of the ISU BCOE 研究生 Faculty.

       c. 项目名称

       d. 说明补助金是用于研究还是旅行

       e. Project Narrative describing the project by providing brief background (literature review) and methodology. The narrative should include a description of the project or specific need (such as required supplies, 旅行, 等等......。. The narrative must be written for a general audience (i.e.(任何国际滑联教授都应该能理解).

       f. IRB approval letter for the project (if original research)

      g. Budget (including department or program contribution – as well as grant cost share, if any). A detailed budget for the entire project as well as requested budget should be included. Travel estimates must use criteria found at the 旅行 office for the university (a8o.gxes.net/controller/finance/trav-bud/home.html). Note: All 旅行 must be completed during the period indicated in the proposal.

      h. Budget Justification that defines all budget items and explains why they are necessary.

2. Letter of Support from the sponsoring BCOE Faculty member that clearly indicates the faculty member has reviewed the proposal and indicates if additional resources from the department or grants will be used to support the project. 如果使用了部门资源, the 贝赫教育学院 requires that the department chairperson countersign the letter of support. This letter must be scanned as a PDF and included in the proposal.

3. 附录. 学生 should attach additional supporting materials such as quotes for equipment, 差旅费用, 会议注册证明, 或者是录取通知书.


学生 may apply for up to $300 for research activities involving dissertation research and $500 for professional development activities (amounts may vary based upon funding available). Monies will be transferred to the BCOE academic department to cover expenses associated with the project upon award decision.  Student recipients must work with the department staff in advance of 旅行 or expenditures to ensure that the proper reimbursement procedures are followed.  Failure to file appropriate paperwork may result in students not receiving reimbursement.


The 贝赫教育学院’s highest funding priorities are supplies and expenses associated with research activities and the dissemination of research and scholarship. The program will also provide support for professional development depending on the availability of funds. Proposals will be assessed based on the quality of the submitted proposal. The review committee will make recommendations to the Dean of the 贝赫教育学院.  Failure to follow instructions may result in proposals not being reviewed.


  • Recipients are required to submit a brief 2-page summary of project outcomes. The report should include preliminary data analysis, copies of presentation (e.g.、PowerPoint的副本、数码音频文件等.),及/或其他与建议书有关的文件.
  • 学生 who fail to submit a summary report will be ineligible for future awards.


All proposals should be submitted as a single Adobe PDF file electronically to Karen Meeks in the dean’s office with the subject line ―STUDENT RESEARCH GRANT. Please name your pdf as follows: lastname_semester_GRANT. (例如:Smith_F23_GRANT.pdf).